The Reserve at Autumn Woods by Lennar

Mass Grading, PWS machinery in Action

“Hey Bob, what do you think they’re digging over there?”

PWS is performing mass grading for Lennar. 

Grading is the first stage of leveling the ground to prepare for the creation of new roadways, constructing buildings and preparing for whatever comes next.

Mass grading is taking it to the next level, and dirt is leveled on a large scale to prepare for large scale projects. For instance, creating an entire community like Lennar is doing at The Reserve at Autumn Woods. 

Using heavy machinery from the PWS fleet, like the Komatsu 490 excavators and Komatsu HM400 off road trucks, we’ve moved 125,000 yards of dirt at the Reserve at Autumn Woods in Chaska, MN. For a different site we moved a quarter million yards of dirt. I’d say that counts as a mass grade!

Have you seen the size of these excavators! There’s a reason that heavy machine playgrounds exist, what this equipment can do is cool, especially when utilized by our crews.

Yes, I’m bragging. I’d say we are rightfully proud of our crews and their skill in handling any size job.

PWS is installing utilities. 

After the mass grading is completed, we’ll be installing the utilities. 

This installation includes thousands of feet of new water and sewer lines. 

Every single one of us use these utilities daily, yet I bet you never think about them unless there’s an issue. Disgusting. No one wants to see what happens if these are installed incorrectly.  

With PWS the utilities will be problem free, providing clean water for families and safe waste removal. It takes skill, knowledge and experience to install these correctly. 

I am proud to say our crews demonstrate they have what it takes, every single day. 

PWS is creating infrastructure. 

Finally, we’ll be installing curbs, sidewalks, and roads. 

Accurately graded roads, curbs and storm sewers provide families a safe drive home on wet or slushy nights. When water goes where it’s intended to the streets will be kept in optimal condition.

Roads that are well constructed and have been properly compacted minimize potholes and provide greater longevity to the pavement.

A quality base will leave your future neighborhood looking well maintained for years to come. 

PWS is constructing the future.

I look forward to seeing The Reserve at Autumn Woods by Lennar when it is completed!

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